Monday, October 6, 2008


Maasai herdsmen in Kenya have turned to an age-old contraceptive device, the "olor", to protect their precious goat herds from an ongoing drought.

The olor is made from cowhide or a square piece of plastic, and is tied around the belly of the male goat. It prevents the bucks from mating with the female goats. It sounds preferable to castration!

This is certainly not the first that old methods have proven superior to current state-of-the-art. Acupuncture was brought back as many effective herbal concoctions have as well.

With today's high costs and the overuse of modern medicine, ancient alternative remedies are making a comeback. Alternative Medicine dates back to 5000 B.C.E in China . As with manufactured drugs, some natural ingredients may prove harmful if taken in improper amounts, or mixed with other ingredients or medicines, so care should be taken.

We've gone organic in farming and resorted to pest control in more innovative ways than the dangerous pestisides that has done humanity so much damage.

If you can't afford or do not have air conditioning, you can find ways to keep from melting. An atttic fan is what we used before AC.

There was a time when we relied on our senses more than we do today. People fell in love reacting to animal magnetism or some inate sense of attractiveness for biological and reproductive preferences. Today, researchers question whether women on the pill marry the right man.

We can deny a lot of things but we should not deny that the world is changing. mankind keeps evolving, that which was good for us once has often been replaced by something purported to be an improvement when, in actuality, it is only costlier and may turn out to have more negative side effects.

Survival requires us all to maximize the use of all resources available to us as our finances get more strained. It is surprising that things that used to work, still often work as well as the expensive, well-packaged and marketed product we don't always get a chance to realize we don't need.

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