Saturday, November 29, 2008


Just before Thanksgiving I wrote some things for which I was thankful and one item was surviving a terrorist attack in the Athens Airport in 1973 with my husband and three of our children. The first thought that I had when I heard about the attacks in Mumbai were that the figures of number of dead are tragic enough, though they are forever after spared the pain that those they leave behind experience; or that the wounded, who are described so casually by the media as a number, in fact must suffer for the rest of their lives.

American intelligence and counterterrorism officials said Friday that there was mounting evidence that a Pakistani militant group — Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has long been involved in the conflict with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir — was responsible.
Since 9/11, it seems most people see terrorism only as something from Al Qaeda. It becomes more frightening as we begin to hear that the group responsible for the Mumbai attacks is likely Pakastani, with whom an ongoing feud has existed since the 40s.

Current thinking is that it is an attempt similar to Osama bin Laden's coup at the Twin Towers, to strike at the money that moves the country's economy. In India it is IT manufacturing and film making (Bollywood) which is foremost Another of the economic prices to be paid is that tourism will slow down or stop. With Americans and Brits such obvious targets, it is unlikely many of them will want to travel to India in the near future for pleasure.

Naturally, those of us who are not brainwashed to commit killings or believe that we will be rewarded in Heaven by Allah, can only see the savagery and ignorance in this form of attempt to send messages or gain control. There have always been bullies and probably will continue to be for many years to come. Not until science makes it possible to reformat a sick brain will things change sufficiently to do away with bullies around the world.

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