Sunday, November 30, 2008


Unbelievably, once again a crowd tramples a guy under a door to death! There is nothing but my own survival that would ever force me into a crowd like that. If people are really looking to save a dollar or two, why don't they just cut it somewhere else. I was unaware that there is a new toy that will be hard to get until after Christmas when it will clog up the shelves and be half the price. Why do people brainwash their kids into thinking there is something special about getting it on Christmas Day....or is it that the marketers have sold the kids who then blackmail the parents into believing it?

The Gift of the Magi
was a different world. It seems that few can wait that long or give that much to anyone today. Love is defined differently than it used to be when there was a commitment to relationship founded on love. I'm not sure that was the best thing because a lot of people were miserable all their lives fulfilling that commitment but life was shorter then....that must have made it better for them, anyway.

Every commercial site seems to have a list of the best gifts for 2008. A share of stock in a frame. Scratch tickets would be just as useful and the odds would probably be similar!

A second gift is not bad for people who love to fill their walls with themselves. It is a caricature of a couple in the first year of marriage. Later than that they will not need a caricature drawn, they will have become the caricature itself!

From Things Remembered in our great time of economic depression we can spend another $20 or more for a Christmas wish ornament.

Christmas Spirit became harder to hold onto when members of my family reached the point when they already had everything they wanted or could buy it, for the most part. The second reason is that, while it is easier to please small children, it is much harder when your entire gift list is for adults, much of it which must be boxed and mailed to people you haven't seen in a year and haven't any idea what they need or want. That takes the joy out of Christmas for me. I like to decorate the house, sing carols, and be with people I love, eat a great meal, and try to find some 'surprises'...things that people might enjoy but wouldn't have found for themselves. Get away from me Scrooge!!! No "bah humbugs" out of you this year!

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