Sunday, November 23, 2008


Truth can be: fact, actuality, fidelity to an original or to a standard. (Merriam-Webster) To an individual, truth is whatever they believe, though they may often be wrong in that belief. Unfortunately, too many people confuse truth and faith. Faith, on the other hand, is an allegiance to duty or a person: This is often followed by loyalty, which is fidelity to one’s promises or sincerity of intentions. It is a firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust. (Merriam-Webster). Many religious people are unable to distinguish between truth and faith. For others, it is difficult to grant faith when too many unanswerable questions are raised. Religious faithfuls have greater problems accepting that some people need proof before belief.

Thus, truth (like beauty) can often be only ‘in the eyes of the beholder’. We know, for certain, from our courts of law that the truth is not always discovered. It can be altered from view by the distorted memory of witnesses, as research has made far more evident today. Thismeans that some people are inadvertently telling untruths; some out of ignorance and faith; and others who deliberately mislead the listener(s).

Political candidates of both parties may occasional have some misinformation but it is pretty well documented that some candidates have knowingly lied. That is a serious accusation towards those seeking the highest two offices in the country. It does not bode well for their behavior in office, should we be so unfortunate as to have them get elected by more lying to or cheating the voters system.

It is always helpful to know what really happened before making a judgment. Yet, we all know that is not possible much of the time. As a therapist, it is not really relevant what the ‘truth’ of a matter is. It is, however, relevant, what patients are using as their truth. In doing couples work, it sometimes feels as though one is working with apples and oranges. Two people who say they were at the same place and at the same time have two totally different recollections as to what transpired. It is a waste of everyone’s time to try to find or prove what really happened. You have to deal with what people think or believe happened, why they think it did, the consequences of their thinking, and how they plan to work those out.

Truth or consequences was not only a game, it is life. The worst that anyone can do is lie to themselves, as though it is not bad enough to life to others. At least, when you are lying to others, you know the truth. When you life to yourself, there is no truth.

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