Sunday, November 23, 2008


There are lots of people who like to live with strange wildlife in their houses and beds. While it is difficult for me to understand why anyone wants a life long commitment to to either feed, walk or clean the cage of and feed a living thing bit sprung from their loins, so to speak,what some choose as their extended families is mind boggling. It would take a heap pf loving to put up with these everyday.

These dogs look like some that only their mothers could love....and, even then, I'm not so sure. One of them appears not to be a real dog but a flying dust mop.

They come in all sizes and shapes from miniature to humongous. This last one is not a dog I want to walk and have to pooper scoop after....but that may just be my own eccentricity. For all you dog lovers...have fun. I'll stick to my plants. They die quietly and don't smell badly if it should happen that way.

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