Tuesday, December 2, 2008


While roaming around the dictionary as I do sometimes, I looked up Mission. Merriam Webster describes it as: Pronunciation: \ˈmi-shən\
Function: noun Etymology: New Latin, Medieval Latin, & Latin; New Latin mission-, missio religious mission, from Medieval Latin, task assigned, from Latin, act of sending, from mittere to send
Date: 1530
1 obsolete : the act or an instance of sending
2 a: a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work (b: assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise c (1): a mission establishment (2): a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support d plural : organized missionary work Yiayia's note: Since we started a deadly war, these definitions seem unfitting. e: a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith. Americans were never told we went to convert Iraqis to Christianity...though we were told we would be bringing a country-gift, like a house-gift, of Democracy...without contemplating whether it would be welcome.
3: a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: as a: a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations b: a permanent embassy or legation c: a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country
4 a: a specific task with which a person or a group is charged b (1): a definite military, naval, or aerospace task (a bombing mission) Yiayia's note: This sounds a bit like an oxymoron, from the definitions above, but.... (a space mission) (2): a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a mission (a mission to Mars) c: a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose Yiayia's note: Now it seems the definition is beginning to
(statement of the company's mission)
5: calling , vocation

Another puzzler is Guantanamo
which is called Camp Justice.
Since the courts are still
trying to decide if,
in fact, justice is what is
being served, triggered by the
image of the statue of Justice
with her scales off balance from
her vomiting into them, or was
that pigeon poop?

Fox News: Fair and Balanced is another that fits in the category of 'deceptive or misnamed'. If Coombs is there attempt to make it so, they have failed miserably. Actually, they failed miserably, even if he isn't their token liberal.

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