Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Two Good Laughs

Today, Sarah Palin was campaigning for Chambliss in the South. As the ice in her veins was thawing out, her brain must also have begun to get a little mushy as she was heard to say something about the country being deeply in debt and going into more debt wasn't going to be a solution. I bow to her precise understanding of economics and that she is not currently in personal debt. Judging how she made out in the campaign on clothes, I have no doubt she manages well in her personal economics. While I missed the opportunity to get a direct quote, the meaning is still there. With profound thoughts like that, all I could do was thank the God I don't believe in just in case there is really one there, that she didn't get elected to anything outside Alaska where, it seems, she can't do too much damage to the lower 48.

On the Daily Show, someone was quoted as saying that the most valuable thing The US exports is their values. Jon Stewart's snappy reply was, "No wonder we're in a recession!" As i have noted before, more profound observstions come from the comics that the ridiculous news media, much of the time.

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