Sunday, December 7, 2008


The dictionary describes feminism as: 1895 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Maureen Dowd recently did an interview of Fey and to the eye of someone who lived and worked through the early Feminism War from the 60's to today, Fey come out as a Feminist's dream. She is married to a man whom she loves, has a three year old daughter, managed a career of creativity that most women would drool to be able to achieve, and seems to have very clear boundaries for herself.

She has gained and lost weight a few times in the past few years and is now at a low weight, being pictured in glamorous poses in glamor magazines. What a lovely way to sock it to the world that thinks that a career woman loses something if she gives in to the urge to look glamorous in magazines for all men and women to see. Fey is proving that a glamorous woman can love and respect a male as a partner, have children, and does not have to behave in an unfeminine way to work and succeed in what is mostly a man's world.

Tina Fey, a successful wife, mother, actress (actor), comedienne (comedian), writer, and a woman for whom all in her gender can be proud, envious, add recognize that more is doable than latching onto a man for security and dependence. Sometimes a woman can marry for love, companionship, and partner to have and to raise children. She can even add to that, a distinct identity of her own

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And if Tina Fey cost McPalin any votes whatsoever, we can thank her for that, too!