Saturday, December 6, 2008


There are many who still argue that torture is worth it all for the results it gets. These must be some of the people who believe there was not a Holocaust and that it was the US Government that planned 9/11. Some people are programmed not to believe what they don't want to see.

Using the pseudonym Matthew Alexander, a former special intelligence operations officer, who led an interrogations team in Iraq two years ago, has written a stunning op-ed in the Washington Post called "I'm Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq." In it, he details his direct experience with torture practices put into effect in Iraq in 2006. He conducted more than 300 interrogations and supervised more than a thousand and was awarded a Bronze Star for his achievements in Iraq. This article can be read in full.

Regardless of how much research has been done, the bullies still think they can win with torture. They really don't want to hear anything else or admit that they are sadists.

LAUGH OF THE DAY: BBC quotes G W Bush as saying about himself, "I hope they feel that this is a guy that came, didn't sell his soul for politics, had to make some tough decisions, and did so in a principled way," in a wide-ranging interview with ABC News on Monday.

If the man can truly convince himself that he acted in a 'principled' way, I hope he will then share whose principles he was following, because they certainly were not those shared by most citizens who accept the Constitution of the United States as the major principle setter. Currently, Bush-bashing holds no joy, it only serves as a reminder of what he did to ruin our country though the people who were really behind many of the poor decisions will escape and let him take the blame. I believe he was a puppet whose strings were being pulled and manipulation by his willingness to play the role of the puppet though he deluded himself into thinking he was a 'decider'.

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