Friday, July 10, 2009


David Brooks wrote an op-ed column in the NY Times titled In Search of Dignity. How timely since those we would assume to be the standard bearers of such behavior, a model for our children, have failed to offer rectitude to us. First there were the scandals of the clergy, especially heavy with the Catholic priests and those sworn to celibacy.

Until recently, before camera surveillance, phone cameras and home videos there was little proof when police broke laws. In the 50s in Chicago, it was a rule not to tell police to watch your house when you were away because it would have been burglarized with certainty by your return.

Clearly, in my long lifetime, politicians have made promises with their fingers crossed behind their backs. While there are probably some tucked away somewhere who actually can be trusted, they are the ones who frequently are not for reasons totally obscure to me. GB Bush was voted in with no perceivable record to indicate he cold handle the job (which he certainly proved for eight years he could not) because he was a regular guy who would drink a beer with you in the back yard barbecue. He was uncouth, rude, lied, and set an abysmal model for our youth.

Can we trust large corporations, money managers, bankers, mortgage lenders, marketers, or anyone as a group these days? Hardly! There are rotten apples everywhere. Our 'civilized' world has become a new kind of dangerous jungle.

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