Monday, July 13, 2009


Many of us quickly realized that it was not GW Bush running the country in areas close to Cheney but that he, in fact, was calling most of the pun intended about his poor hunting skills. Cheney was certainly for the war in Iraq and got Haliburton contracts in what appeared to most of us as rather unethical fashion with no bids. Cheney would only make us look bad with the rest of the world. Is there anyone with sufficient denial of reality who still thinks that the rest of the world doesn't understand American politics better than most Americans?

Outing Valerie Plame was so typical of the sneaky, sleazy way he tried to bully her husband. I'm sure he bullied his way through the entire eight years and was so successful he is attempting to continue his practice of it. However, if there is a strong spine and a full sack of testicle left in Washington, Cheney's crimes and bullying should not be kept quiet. He should be made to own up to his actions and be a model for the next generation... that you can't get away with behavior such as his in the USA.

Al Jazeera is certainly making its readers aware as are other countries' Cab drivers I met in London, most of whom were from Iran, clearly delineated opinions of the American people, versus media.

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