Sunday, July 12, 2009


It is difficult to understand why some friendships are just so much closer than others. A woman friend of mine, whom I saw far less frequently than many others, was always a closer feeling person than other friends. If I didn't talk to her for years and we spoke on the phone it felt as though I had just hung up from a previous conversation. She is the only woman friend who, when I had picked up the phone to call her (with no particular reason) her voice was on the open end of the line (no ring heard)as we both said, "Hello" at the same time.

Only one other time did I experience that same kind of ESP coincidence, this time with a male whose brain seemed so connected with my own that we seemed to always be together in thoughts; when scheduled to meet...we always arrived together, simultaneously, even though a specific time had not been set and we came from two different directions. A thought about the other person and the phone then would ring from their call. It seemed uncanny, but my psychiatrist at the time assured me there was no such thing as ESP and that it was just my wish that I could somehow be magical.

Whatever the reason, both these people have been taken from my life by death. Today I saw the woman's daughter whom I have seen only once in the past 43 years. I experienced a similar reaction as I did to her mother...that this woman and I had a special affinity. There is no pretense to understanding the phenomena, but it does make me wonder if there really is something to ESP that we will someday understand between humans.

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