Thursday, October 1, 2009


The Supreme Court is about to decide just how far gun rights go. They will look to see whether the gun laws can be challenged under the 2nd Amendment. My early recollection of being taught about the 2nd amendment was that it was about militias and the right to bear arms to be ready to serve your country. There was nothing about using guns as they are being talked about today, so I will be looking forward to finding out how the court will interpret it in today's world.

The Republicans were trying to foist restrictions on abortion by sneaking it into the Health Care Bill. Surprisingly, they did not succeed. It was encouraging that we may yet have a democracy when a democrat voted for it and a Republican voted against it instead of the party-lock-step we've seen for so long.

Lastly, for laughs, watch this YouTube about Senator Ensign: Ensign on Why Gun Deaths Shouldn't Be Factored Into Survival Rates: "We Like Our Guns Here in the U.S."
Posted by Amanda Terkel, Think Progress at 6:00 AM on September 30, 2009.

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