Saturday, September 5, 2009


It is painful to see the total disrespect being shown for this overwhelmingly-chosen president. What happened to youngsters aspiring to the level of President, hearing early on the message that many parents are also giving them that it takes hard work to be successful, that in order to have job doors open one must be educated?

What kind of tempest in a teapot are these 'birther-teabaggers' stirring with seeming immunity? Everyone is entitled to feel rage, disappointment, anxiety and lots of other emotions but the are not entitled to act on them in a manner that works by playing on the negative emotions of others and ultimately hurting the possible role model that a President can be to children.

As it should, the White House is defending the President's speech to students. We, as citizens, should also be raising our voices against those who deny a democratic process to progress. Obama was elected by a majority. There should be no doubt that he is legally the President except in the minds of fools who allow themselves to either be brainwashed or are evil enough to look for any excuse to make this President fail with no thought to the damage it does to US citizens and country as a whole.

Without the threat that none of us, who don't believe them, will get into Heaven (to make us all tow the line as sheep), the few who are without ability to see consequences beyond their single minded course to destroy Obama are actually planning the overthrow of the country and, last I heard, that is called treason and should not be dealt with lightly. Why is no action being taken against those who dare endanger the life of the President by bringing loaded guns with them to town Hall meetings where he is present. If someone were to overpower one of them and take a weapon to harm the President, who will be held responsible for not having taken action on the threat?

What is happening to our country? Why does the media focus on the deviants and present them as sane and reasonable individuals?

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