Friday, September 4, 2009


Having killed millions in a war started on falsehoods and hidden agendas, torturing prisoners against our Geneva Convention agreement, trying to proselytize Democracy in the Middle East, we are now adding insult to injury by withholding (U.S. Suspends $30 Million To Honduras)foreign aid under the guise of promoting democracy. Written by GINGER THOMPSON Published: September 3, 2009

Maybe if foreign countries were giving us money and withheld it in the year 2000 or 2004, history would be looking much more positive today about those eight years instead of the shameful reading about those years our descendants will be subjected to in their history books. I guess anything is history if it happened when you were too young to remember it. For me that could be yesterday, these days.

As long as our country can continue to use credit cards to give away taxpayer money, it follows that: "In addition, the United States will continue providing tens of millions of dollars in development and humanitarian aid." The US will continue on its denial course, under the illusion that the world appreciates, rather than taking for granted, that American taxpayer money is as hard-earned here as anywhere. Maybe they should match up contributors with how the money is used as they do with needy children you can 'sponsor', financially, for just a few pennies a day. You could get a picture and frequent report on how your 'country' is doing with the help you send. We surely don't see much of where our money is being used now. Actually, it isn't even our money because it just comes from other sources and gets tacked onto our National Debt.

In fact, there must be a list somewhere to indicate where all that foreign aid goes and, if we are lucky, even a truthful 'why of it'. It makes me wonder if the politicians who put so much pork in bills trying to be passed have their porky fingers in bills being passed for aid to other countries. I never could reconcile why GW Bush refused contraception information to Africa but they were given financial aid for all the starving and dying children, many of AIDS, whose brief lives on this earth could not be supported.

It is interesting to note that In 2008 we gave Egypt 74 million for their health care while many US taxpayers suffer from their own lack of health care and medicines.

To see what is covered by our laws, click here. As long as the media plays to sponsor interests rather than taxpayers concerns, we will collectively be kept in the dark unless we are willing to do some digging around for ourselves.

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