Thursday, September 3, 2009


Boehner thinks he knows the mainstream and what the 'American Public' (as though they are all as rubber stamped as the Republicans have been for the last 9 years) thinks. Doesn't the fact that the Democrats became a majority last November give some indication about what the American Public thinks? Or does he truly believe that the lies he supports have actually swayed the majority of the voting public instead of those few fringe wackos that seem to be speaking for the Republicans these days.

The House minority leader, Eric Cantor, claimed yesterday that a public option did not represent America's "mainstream." Read Steve Benen's article (Washington Monthly) on this.

Unfortunately, in my early years I was too busy working for a living and raising children to have the luxury of following all the mean things politicians do to one another and the public. Now that I have a bit more luxury of time for it, I watch
and read a lot of about politics and what our Administrative and Legislative branches of government do to one another. With media lacking honesty and integrity, millions can see the lies that put most non-politician con men to shame.

The Wing-Nut Code: What Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Are Really Saying to Their Followers By Adele M. Stan "
You thought they were just unhinged. But here's what they're really saying to the armed and dangerous.

When Glenn Beck offers an odd-looking icon for his 9-12 Project, or Sarah Palin says something about her native state that sounds a bit to off-kilter to the ears of those in the lower 48, it's tempting to think, well, they're just nuts.

Perhaps they are, but that's beside the point. The point is that when Beck throws up a graphic of a segmented snake as his project's mascot, or Palin speaks of her native land as the "sovereign" state of Alaska, they're blowing a kind of dog-whistle for the armed and paranoid who make up the right-wing, neo-militia "Patriot" movement and the broader "Tea Party" coalition." For the full article click here.

Do any of these self-serving people REALLY believe they speak for the majority or even people they believe think as they do?

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