Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There are definitions of vacations on the web. The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different English-speaking countries and continents, but usually refer to one of the following activities or events:

"* Official or unofficial observances of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities
* A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or recreation
* A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation or tourism.

People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. Vacation or holidays are often used spent with friends or family.

A person may take a longer break from work, such as a sabbatical, gap year, or career break."

Vacations are mostly, 'see' or 'do'. To see may cover lots of in and out-door experiences, like looking at Nature, museums, galleries, etc. The doing may be skiing, golf. mountain climbing or all sorts of things but few would consider it a 'doing nothing', or 'doing only what I want to do'. The latter is my favorite kind of vacation these days. I no longer want to be led around like a ewe. I don't want to see poverty anywhere or have hungry, desperate little children trying to get me to buy trinkets I don't want; trying to make me feel guilty that I have more than I need or I wouldn't be there as a tourist.

When I have an urge to climb a mountain, or anything too physical, I lie down until the urge passes. I try mightily to do nothing but even that is doing 'something'. I learned there is no way to do 'nothing' so I do my version of nothing. I read, check out the news all over the world on the Internet, email my friends, read romance novels (my idea of feel-good books), eat.....gosh, pretty much everything I do at home when I'm not paying bills, seeing patients, cleaning up after myself, or talking on the phone! Can life get any better no matter where you are? The problem with leaving your home is that you have to come back to all the mail, get rid of the junk mail, and let your normal intrusions back in.

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