Friday, November 6, 2009


Re: tragedy shooting at Ft. Hood 11/5/09, : 'Ambulances were driving by, their sirens flashing.' delivered by an adorable young blonde newscaster.

On capturing soldiers, "Put up your hands and throw down your arms." by another newscaster a while ago as he described soldiers capturing enemies.

John Boehner, who should know better, quoted (11/5) in a speech to Michelle Bachman's motley group: waving a folded up copy of, he said, the Constitution, and proceeded to quote from it...but, in fact was quoting from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, as did another speaker, pontificating that the Constitution which starts 'We the people....' also from the Declaration of Independence. We certainly do not need politicians who cannot differentiate between the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution...nor do we need them in leadership positions as House Minority Leader and loud mouth.

Michelle Bachman was quoting a long dead politician as saying we need a revolution every now and again. Unless I misunderstood what I learned in government classes, this is a no-no and rather subject to punishment...plotting to overthrow the government. Am I mistaken or was a law passed to change this, too, when my back was turned? Click here to learn how people lobby for your total destruction in the name of your salvation. She makes a strong plea, "Everyone needs to come to Washington tomorrow." That request really makes a lot of sense, doesn't it. As much as all the rest of the nonsense she purports to be truth!

For many years I have maintained that political jobs should not be voted on by people who have no idea what it takes to do the job, but rather, there should be tests and standards to be passed, just like any other meaningful job. The government should look at its Bible as having been written at a time when today's world could not have been anticipated, just as the Holy Bible no longer relates to the current real world though many people like to read into it whatever they want it to say.

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