Thursday, November 5, 2009


I've often wondered how one gets to be considered disagreeable. (dis·a·gree·a·ble (ds-gr-bl) adj. 1. Not to one's liking; unpleasant or offensive. 2. Having a quarrelsome, bad-tempered manner.) If one assumes that agreeable is the opposite, it should fit this definition: "Main Entry: agree·able Pronunciation: \ə-ˈgrē-ə-bəl\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century
1 : pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with one's tastes or needs
2 : ready or willing to agree or consent

That I have always felt different than most of the people around me stems from my inability to fit into either of those two definitions. Like the song made popular by Frank Sinatra, I Did It My Way and still do. However, I do not accept that my manner is bad-tempered or quarrelsome. I just see the world through a multi-faceted percept, perhaps like through the eyes of a housefly. Having sincerely tried to think like I was taught by my parents failed on too many points to discuss. When I was young I would be told that I acted older than my age, then patted on my head. (I always tagged along with older sibs). Now that I am old, I'm told I do not act my age; now younger. When that polar switch got made is lost to me. The polls that ask if you are 64 and older as the last age category mentioned make far more sense to me. There is something comforting about that span...64 to forever or oblivion, whichever comes first.

Politics and Religion have too often presented me with illogical logic. Does no one outside of New Jersey just accept that Obama won only his own election and didn't lose Corzine's because Corzine was just a BAD governor who lost it himself. The people of New Jersey were not voting against the Democratic party; they were voting against Governor Corzine. His ratings, before Obama ever made the mistake of trying to salvage a governor's vote, were low, a clear indication that the New Jersians just didn't think he was doing a good job for them.

I'm an Independent voter, which translates to: I do not vote with a party, I vote for ideas that I think will work and for people I think might be able to get them to work. When either party gets out of hand, a cleaner house is needed and individuals brought back to reality. It seems that Washington insulates too many politicians from the real world and they cease to know what their constituents want and get overwhelmed with the fear that they will alienate people and not get re-elected. They forget they were not sent to Washington to run the country but to vote to run it as they are advised by the majority of their constituents. Hanging on to your safe future on the job may be important but should not be at the top of the priority list.

When the talking heads come up with their wildest speculations, it always surprises me that they rarely have done their homework and gotten the answers they give from a more proper source than their own fantasies. I'm presuming that the media is taking the cheap way out, just as the reality shows did, and cast their performers to keep the Nielsens as high as possible. After all, massive viewings bring ad money, not quality shows that the masses don't appreciate...leave those for Public Television, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frank Sinatra lyrics is titled "My Way". The phrase "I did it my way" appears in some of the paragraphs of the lyrics.