Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Today I listened to a talk by someone who has replicated a 100 year old bit of research. It confirmed that most people's brains keep superstitions alive. It was mentioned that, because Obama did well on his campaign on the day he played basketball, he will play basketball on every election day. We all know about those of us who touch/knock-on wood to prevent something bad happening after what might seem a brag.Intellectually, people will say they do not believe in these things, but they do them anyway. One asks the question, "Why?"

There is a wonderful site that lists beliefs, old wives tales, bizarre beliefs, omens, etc. Dialogue goes like this, "I don't believe this but, just in case there is something to this, I won't step on a crack in the sidewalk."

Believers in higher powers give the control to that higher power...whether it is God, Allah, or whatever being. Giving the final decision-making to another alleviates the possibility of your own decision being wrong. The responsibility for control, thus, is no longer yours. "It's God's will." as people give responsibility away. Equally effective is, "The Devil made me do it." Research has disproved all superstitions and high powers but people will believe what they wish to believe and that which works for them.

Let's face it, being responsible for one's actions seems to be too much for too many people. There must be a disclaimer here: All people who believe in God do not necessarily give up their responsibilities. Some believe that God believes them to be responsible for their own behaviors.

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