Monday, December 28, 2009


Whenever people feel out of control, they try to bring their lives back into their control. One way they think they have of doing it is to find someone to blame for whatever put their feelings into a place of no control. The recent attempt of a suicide bomber on a plane is such an example. The problem that people want solved is for Homeland Security finding the needle before it gets into the haystack.

Janet Napolitano made the media rounds on Sunday to let people know that there is nothing to indicate that the problem was part of a larger plot. Even though the bomber's own father had called authorities over his concern a year ago, it is like trying to get a patient committed because you think he did something crazy but you can't prove it. Or, it is like trying to get a retraining order before the fact. Our laws have allowed many spouses to be killed before the court had reason to put a restraining order on...making the after-the-fact a moot point.

It is much evidence of the lack of faith we have in our government appointees and elected officials. When the adults are afraid, what can our children feel?

Since we can't do it all ourselves, we need to find trust in something less elusive than religion, which rationalizes everything good as the hand of God and everything bad as the just deserts of evil and sinful mankind. Some children are fortunate enough to have parents in whom they can trust to protect them. However, that is not true for all, in fact, it is not there for fewer and fewer children these days. Instead of the media rustling up more fear and agitating an already painful emotional life for most of us these days in terms of predicting our future, they could do a bit more by having some people on that can truly promote future comfort by spelling out just what is being done to get there instead of the fear mongers or the opinion givers who read the news and propaganda on air.

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