Thursday, December 10, 2009


Australia has to cull out camels who are threatening human water supplies because in their thirst they are turning over water hydrants and using up all the water, shutting it off to homes. Like the Republicans on HealthCare, animal protection groups such as PETA are making loud noises but offer no better suggestions. Click here for the whole article.

Frequently, in Massachusetts, deer die of starvation since they have few predators and little food near the northeast coast during particularly severe winters. People who care about the cruelty of allowing these animals to starve also cull them out at such times. I have never understood why alleged animal rights people fight that but have not come up with a better solution. They do not come up with either an alternative or the cash to feed the hungry animals,
(or humans either).

When a pregnant woman chooses abortion rather than inadequate medical care or malnutrition for her unborn child we have those intractable thinkers who say 'no to abortion' but offer no alternative. Some think carrying a child for nine months, by an unhealthy, depressed mother is not damaging to a fetus, nor is it damaging to a child to bring them, unwanted, into the world. Adoption is not a guarantee of a better life for a child. We have all seen too many adoption failures by the adoptive parents as well as damaged children, adopted, who destroy families.

For centuries we have often believed there was no other option when someone who thinks out of the box comes out with one. However, until that happens, people must use logic around the whole system of a problem such as, freeing laboratory mice who are not equipped to forage for food for themselves is sentencing them to a cruel death or of being some other animal's dinner, or of starvation.

When will people learn that an immediate solution may not actually solve a problem but create worse problems? If we hadn't learned that before, shouldn't we have learned it by now after 6 years in Iraq at such a cost to our military personnel and their families?

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