Saturday, January 2, 2010


The start of a New Year really doesn't start many things for me other than it is the beginning of another tax year. So I need to make a new yearly spread sheet. Being without any really bad habits like smoking, excessive drinking, drug-taking, I cannot try to make myself feel better about promising to give up that which I already don't do. It seems somewhat ridiculous to make a resolution not to start doing anything addictive that I have never in the past many decades ever longed to do in the first place.

Someone compiled a list of the ten (10) top choices. Since I didn't really know quite where to start, I thought I would [ut myself though another exercise that usually proves, frighteningly, how different I am than most people. That is enough to leave one feeling very alone, often. So what is it that people resolve?
1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Part of my inability to organize better (see #10) is that I already spend too much time with family and friends and not enough time on putting things where I can findd them when I need them.
2. Fit in Fitness
I made this one last year and it didn't resolve anything...the only thing that makes me exercise is when in pain, realizing that my muscles have weakened....exercise seems to be the best remedy.
3. Tame the Bulge
That is a no-brainer. I've got the most tame fat of anyone I know. It just lies there while I starve on a perpetual diet. While I think I have as much determination as the will to live if I were hanging on the edge of a 40 foot cliff by my fingernails. My body just smirks and jiggles at me as it waxes and wanes.
4. Quit Smoking
As I have never smoked, I can only do my best to avoid smokers who think the outdoors doesn't blow smoke at warm bodies as they pass or sit nearby. Someday a smoker will experience how distasteful it is to caught next to someone whose clothes and person are shrouded with nicotine tar and offensive odor.
5. Enjoy Life More
Is that a plan or an order? So many conditions need to exist in order to maximize life enjoyment. I live with the illusion that I am already maximizing the pleasure and joy I can get out of life.
6. Quit Drinking
Isn't it great when you get to write N/A? This is not a problem and more reason to refuse invitations to dull parties.
7. Get Out of Debt
This one is unclear. As soon as I pay a bill, another comes in to replace it like the way water comes in to fill itself back up. However, as I make a religion of paying no interest (comparable to flushing money down the toilet in my view) I pay bills monthly but not all monthly bills are due at the same time.
8. Learn Something New
Once again, this seems ridiculous that someone would have allowed themselves to need to resolve this. How can you be alive and not be learning something? With Google and the Internet, how can you not find new things many times throughout the waking day?
9. Help Others
This needed to be written: Don't help others any more than you do so that you can make resolution #5 possible.
10. Get Organized
I live in a blivet which has been hatching new blivets constantly constantly for 43 years. Attacking and organizing is like spooning the ocean with a teaspoon, but my solution is to tell my children that there will be enough money left when I die to rent a huge dumpster and some grunts to fill it with whatever I have left unorganized.

Having worked through my determination to be a better person and do more for myself, family and friends, I am resolved to sleep and eat less, and hope that I won't be like Farmer Jones's horse, Nellie. Just when he got her to when she was eating nothing at all...she up and died on him!

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