Friday, January 1, 2010


Until I was old enough to know the world was round, I couldn't understand why time was not the same all over the world. I thought life would be far more simple if it were but realize many of us would not like to live our day in the dark...every day, not just near the poles for a half the year.

After listening to President Obama's New Year's pep talk of hope, warmly delivered with sincerity, I felt hope was more present within me than it had been during the last Administration. However,each New Year may be affected by our politicians, more important are our own choices which are individually effective in our lives and the lives of the people we love around us. Places we scarcely knew existed as children celebrate with us in real time today and some are places to which we have visited or have family living there. Some frightened us as children...some looked gloriously romantic. But wherever you are or have is the same 2010 that fills us with hope for a better life ahead than the current destruction of the world, its people, and our natural earth.

Whoever and wherever you are, I wish you a better 2010 than 2009, lived in good health and with prosperity.

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