Saturday, January 30, 2010


President Obama, tactfully continuing on what seems like a lost battle, went to Maryland, to Republican home turf, to try to work on bipartisanship. While there were a few reasonable and cooperative members, most were making campaign speeches for themselves rather than asking well thought out questions appropriate to the task.

The President, who already has earned my respect and patience for the difficult tasks facing him and his handling to date of them, continues not only to try to help this country but works on making it a less divided one...against overwhelming stonewalls presented to him by the bullying party of 'NO'.

Luke Russert reported on MSNBC: RUSSERT: Tom Cole — former head of the NRCC, congressman from Oklahoma — said, “He scored many points. He did really well.” Barack Obama, for an hour and a half, was able to refute every single Republican talking point used against him on the major issues of the day. In essence, it was almost like a debate where he was front and center for the majority of it. … One Republican said to me, off the record, behind closed doors: “It was a mistake that we allowed the cameras to roll like that. We should not have done that.”

For a party of sneaky tacticians , it is not a surprise they don't want tape to prove their lies like the ones played back to demonstrate what a fool Giuliani made of himself by telling all the things that Obama supposedly left out of the State of the Union speech, which subsequently was shown by clips from the speech, Guilliani had clearly either not listened (or as some suggested, he channel surfed during the talk)and spoke so that his veracity will forever be questioned by those who saw the blatant misleading lies he spoke.

In the face of the obvious obstruction the Republicans showed for the most key plans of Obama's attempts to reach the goals planned by the country's citizens,“I can look you in the eye and tell you we have not been obstructionists,” Representative Jason Chaffetz, a freshman from Utah, told him. This only serves to prove that Republicans can look you in the eye and lie or fail to watch the results of the Legislative body in Washington.

Obama tactfully scolded, offering concrete examples of their obstructing so many of his attempts, especially with Health Care. More impressive was that he obviously has read all their proposals and could specifically comment on the fallacies. At the end, he entertained questions and clearly showed what a patient gentleman he truly is.

Not surprising was that, at the end of the day, nothing was changed. Denial is still denial. Lies are still lies. Divisiveness is still divisiveness. Those in Washington who care more about saving their jobs and getting re-elected than they care about America continue their quest unmoved by a man who sees through them and cares for his country more than his job renewal.

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