Saturday, April 10, 2010


When Sarah Palin speaks, the association which comes to mind is the Gentile definition of chutzpah: ' The child who murders his parents and then falls on his knees to appeal mercy from the court as an orphan.'  Her inflated ego dares to make her speak as though she is above President Obama in competence and experience.  She spoke in her speech before the Republican Conference in New Orleans about his having no knowledge about nuclear warfare and, I believe, foreign policy, sarcastically commenting that he had gained it when he was a community organizer.That should be beneath anyone worthy of respect.  She never got out of Middle School with that kind of game play.
She later commented on his part-time senatorial service, most of it spent on running his campaign.  The woman must be blind as she looks into the distorted mirror through which she sees.  She was only a half-time governor for the half term she served and spent her time campaigning.  People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones but she still tosses boulders.

Glenn Beck did not do himself or his country a service when he shamefully listed every bias he has to all but white men as he suggested his recommendations to President Obama for Supreme Court ju appointment.  In his bigoted way, he suggested a black woman, homosexual, disabled, immigrant should be chosen and then went on to babble some idiocy as to his reasons.

Words have great meaning but it is what they mean to the listener that is important,  the intent of the speaker is. not important  An intelligent person would understand that some words are incendiary; where they are spoken has meaning.  We can all say 'fire' as often as we wish, but dare not yell 'fire' in a theater.  These two persons stir up violent feelings while professing that they mean nothing from words like revolution, reload, kill, and other similarly poorly thought out use of words if one intends to unite people rather than be divisive.  They seem to be using the 'divide and conquer' for the country, but who then would take over?.

It saddens me to think that our media world is filled with this vitriolic hate, such a poor choice of exercising rights to free speech for elucidation, sharing ideas and opinions, rather than rabble rousing.  The few hate calls played by the media to illustrate the threats to politicians is very scary to me.  I don't feel like a Chicken Little nor do I believe the sky is falling.  However, I do believe that we have clear evidence from many media personalities that they do not wish to bring us together as a Nation but, rather, to continue with fostering distrust, as during the previous administration.

President Obama should stop trying to be the vehicle for healing the split political factions by inviting the Republicans in.  Instead, he should keep passing good bills for the people and continue to help make jobs to raise the economy as much as he is permitted by the House and Senate  The current Republican party .has made it eminently clear that their priority is to exercise as much control of the country as they can though they were voted out of its administration.  They have split themselves off to many obstructive factions and can no longer command respect from intelligent, well-informed people.

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