Sunday, April 11, 2010


Every once in a while, some facts come out about where government money goes and it makes us face how this country has allowed priorities to shift through inequities and greed.  On 4-10-10, Les Leopold on AlterNet wrote an aricle which is more easily understood directly than read in summary by someone other than the writer.  You can read it here.

When a country such as ours, which has for so long put children as a lesser priority than greed and wealth for corporate vultures, we have raised a generation with too low a percentage of educated, productive professionals and potential leaders.  I'm not much of a blamer unless it is that the source of elements responsible can be defined and the situation changed.  Dwelling in the past as to what could have or should have been done is a waste of energy. 

The main reason I find it difficult to give credence to the Republicans when they say they are the party of ideas, is that they went through much of the Clinton years overly involved with Clinton's sexual activities rather than spending time on the problems of the nation.  Today, they are still blocking as much progress as they can while they try to waste money on changing the face on the $50 bill and, like McCain declared, being such sore losers as to decide not to vote yes on any Bill for the rest of the year.  Before a candidate for the Supreme Court has even been announced, Republicans are already threatening to boycott the candidate while claiming it is not a political move.

I'm still waiting for more intelligent and knowledgeable people to raise a hew and cry to at least equal the volume of the teabaggers, Rush Limbaughs, and Fox News among others who pollute the media with hate and dire predictions if they don't get there way and retain the status quo for the poor to get poorer and the rich to get richer.  When that will stop escapes me but I keep searching for signs that strengthening voices for fairness and rights for all people is slowly being heard..  It is still at the speed of grass growing or paint drying, but forward motion is gaining.

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