Friday, July 2, 2010


After eight years of tanking our economy into the toilet, the Republicans have now developed an ideology of not spending any more money unless they take it from others who need it.  Thus, until July 12th, they will be on vacation while millions go without any unemployment money with which to buy food, pay bills, put gas in their tanks or whatever other basic needs they and their family members might have.

Sadly, Scott Brown has joined his fellow Republicans on this one. His vote could have made the bill pass.  He has money so he needs not.  What kind of conscience do these people like he, Sharron Angle and other Republicans who claim that those on unemployment should just go out and work ANY job.  Do they not understand that there aren't ANY jobs.  The illusion that a college graduate can go work for McDonalds is just that.  The lower paid jobs are already taken by overqualified people as it is though McDonalds and other fast food restaurants wouldn't hire such a person because they can get pay less, give no benefits, and use young people for part-time jobs. The young, unsuspecting kids who use it as their first taste of work for pay (as low as places can make it)..  There are no benefits for an adult with dependents who would need them.  Where have these politicians been living?

As the Republicans who stalemated against  extended unemployment benefits, enjoy their week of holiday recess at home, do you suppose they will give a thought to the 1.2 million who will go without money when they already had none?  But, of course, the voter public will unlikely retain the memory long enough to ask themselves just who the politicians' actually serve.

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