Thursday, August 26, 2010


While there are naive Americans who would like to believe the goodness in all that is a part of them, and evil for everyone else, it is time to Americans to hear the wake-up call.   Sooner or later, even the most blinded among us will realize there is terrorism in its most subtle form.  The divisiveness fostered by the Bush Administration has festered all too long and has been fed by many visible and audible sources in media and, especially, talk radio but has also had some very interesting backers.  Wikileaks released CIA  'exporter of terrorism' report.

While Islamophobia is being fed to inflame all those too willing to believe their's is the only true and acceptable religion, those same people watch Fox News without realizing that that it is owned in partnership with a Saudi Arabian with powerful money to spend.  Knowing that Osama bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian who threatened to break the American economy, I have previously expressed my wonder about whose help he may have elicited in that endeavor.  With George W Bush listening to his self-serving advisers, he is not likely the one with the most subtle power to destroy the economy other than with wasteful spending and a Legislative body with two houses who could refuse him nothing. 

Of more concern are Koch and his son and many other extremely wealthy Americans who can afford to influence the markets and many other maneuvers that do not make the middle class any better off and can assure that policies and laws remain in place to keep the status quo, even if it eventually kills off the entire middle class so that we are left with two classes, obscenely rich and a majority of poor. 

Just as there has always been a philosophical argument about free will in mankind, one must examine what the human sheep are doing.  Palin, Bachmann, Beck, Limbaugh and so many others are like the Pied Piper leading them to wherever they wish.  What makes the people of this country so unoriginal in their thinking that they can only think of terrorism as violent.  T'ain't so, Charlie!  We are slowly being eaten up by propaganda and brain washers insidiously making people believe untruths as though they were gospel,  Obama was born in America; he is not a Muslim nor a Socialist and he has fought for this country's survival.  

Republicans being chosen as candidates are unprepared to do the task ahead of them, for the most part with rare exception.  The country has much more important issues to face than tying the hands of abortionists and bringing unwanted children into our poverty stricken, unemployed worker households.  Neighbors should be helping neighbors and families should be supportive as they had to be in the early 20th C when immigrants didn't have social networks provided by the government to fall back on.  Some things have not changed since the 19th C ,when in England, the poor who were unable to pay their debts were thrown into prison where there was no hope of them being able to work to make the money to pay off the debt.  We can only hope the electorate will be enlightened enough to see through some of the falsehoods they are currently believing.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

When you refer to "Koch and son" I assume that are referring to David Koch. If so, then you should be aware that David Koch is a major donor to the Reason foundation. The Reason magazine and web site has been very supportive of WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. IMO Reason's coverage of the WikiLeaks release of the Baghdad airstrike footage was more extensive than that of the Boston Globe. Reason has also been quite dismissive of the conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace or faith.

You are absolutely right to criticize those who wish to suppress U.S. blunders, and those who peddle crackpot conspiracies. David Koch, however, is not guilty of those offenses.