Saturday, September 4, 2010


We keep hearing about people who still think that Obama is a Muslim and not born in America.  I was shocked today to hear four of them who are blood related to me!  After hearing them go on, I said, "You must watch Fox News."  The answer was, "Of course, what do you watch?"  I answered, "MSNBC, CNN, BBC, CNBC..." which point I faced a glare with "Of course, MSNBC!"  I realized we were two rocks about to collide.  I commented, I can see that we are each very fixed in our beliefs and will not agree; we should change the subject."  Rather than continue a political discussion, my thoughts are more centered on the distance such stupidity and rigidity people can have.  There is so little faith in government that they cannot conceive that his religious beliefs are clear and his birth proven.  Instead, I got a tirade about a Muslim president.and when I asked, "Well what would be so terrible even if he were a Muslim?"  At that point, it became evident why I have not had contact with these relatives and I can be assured I never will again.    

I crossed the room and got into a new conversation, wondering how I can be blood related to these closed minds.  I am amazed how insidious we have allowed this cancer of Fox News, Glenn Beck and all the rest of the Teapartiers who spew these lies as truth.  At risk of sounding paranoid, I believe that the fact that Fox News is half owned by A Saudi Arabian may well be a part of Osamas bin Laden's plan to break the American economy.  Money, for all I know may also go in the pockets of many others who don't realize that their political donations may be fronted by others than whom they seem.  I find it very frightening  and almost intolerable thast Americans can be so easily be duped.  If you are not aware just how much of our lives, entertainment, news, propaganda, political views are fed to us by Murdoch and must click here and read the whole thing.  This information may not frighten you but it frightens me. The realization that he is out to make Obama fail and has so much money and fools behind him to do it is really scary.  An Australian should not hold that much power in America, especially since he does not like us..


Unknown said...

Eve, I agree with you completely and also find this frightening - maddeningly frightening. You should push for Rachel Maddow to do a program about this Murdoch and Saudi connection. She is on twitter and I think facebook!

Frank J. Lhota said...

The fact that Prince Alweleed bin Talal and Osama bin Laden both come from the same country hardly suffices as proof that these two men collude. If anything, Alweleed's royal background indicates that such collusion is highly unlikely. The Saudi royalty were so appalled by bin Laden's radical views that they revoked his Saudi citizenship in 1992. I would also point out that bin Laden's program would seriously undermine the royal families investments. Remember, not all Saudis think alike.