Monday, October 11, 2010

According to Daniel Tencer of The Raw Story, at least 78 Republican candidates would force a woman to bear rapist's babies.  Apparently we have our old fiend friend Phyllis Schlafly (who started this group) to thank for this.  As I read this, I tried to play out some possible scenarios in my head.  #1 a mother of five, husband out of work, little money to pay for groceries and the roof over their heads, is raped and left pregnant.  How would forcing her to have this baby help any one?  Balancing out those five children of hers watching her belly grow, forcing her husband to have to raise the child as his because they are legally married or find a less legal solution, and let us all hope there will be no psychological consequences added to their current mind-numbing woes.

#2  daughter, with a sister who is also adulterously being used by their father, finds herself pregnant as a result.  Mother is no longer able to look on with denial since the daughter has clearly not dated.  The marriage does not survive, mother and two daughters now without the father as a breadwinner struggle for survival.  Adding to their misery, father goes to jail when the doctors find out who the father of the child is and he is sent to jail.

I'm sure I could go on with these scenarios, many of which I've been pretty close to in my years of practicing family therapy.  For a group professing to want less government, how can there be an intelligent human being who doesn't see through their hypocrisy?  It translates to "Get out of my life, government, unless it is something I want...regardless of whether my fellow man agrees, because I am biased and pigheaded with the wish to inflict my values on all."

Tana Ganeva published, in AlterNet, five GOP candidates who would force women to bear children as the result of rape.  They are: 1. Rand Paul (Kentucky); Christine O'Donnell (Delaware), Sharron Angle (Nevada), Ken Buck (Colorado), Joe Miller (Alaska).  One can only seriously question the judgment (or even sanity) of  those politicians who consider this a worthwhile platform to run on in an era when people need to eat, pay rent, taxes, and survive in the job-hungry economy.  That should tell their supporters something critical but it is not likely to do much because, unfortunately, their supporters are as fanatical as they with equally poor sense of what the country needs to survive.  Lots of money is pouring into the coffers of these candidates and, again, one has to wonder where ti is coming from.  These people are driving our country to H*** in the proverbial hand basket, for sure.

I can see Uncle Sam on the floor yelling now, "Help!. Help!, I've fallen and I can't get up!"

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