Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What makes people 'hate' homosexuals?  Usually, those who are the loudest have had no contact, do not understand that it is not a 'choice', and fail to see their own character flaws for the crimes they commit.  Has anyone ever figured out what they hope to accomplish with such behavior? Colleen Long, an Associated Press writer, describes picking up the ninth suspect in the recent crime in the Bronx.

Latino gangs do not tolerate a gay in their group.  There are cultural issues involved but is this a kin to Muslim women wearing head and face coverings?  I see a similarity here, not because the actions are similar, but that they are both a threat to our legal system.  We have laws to control the actions of people on others who have not harmed them.  We have laws to allow police to look for people suspected of crimes.  In both instances, there are reasons for our laws and they do not allow those who plan to break them, a choice to obey or disobey.

 It seems that whether people are here and plan to apply for citizenship or not, they should be expected to take a course on our laws and why they are there and expected to be respected and followed.

It is also imperative that the media be a bit more respectful in the way they allow those who profess to want to 'take our country back' and openly speak of turning back laws that have been in existence for decades.

We can also do without an extended opportunity for people like Carl Paladino to spout out his dangerous ignorance about so many subjects.  Spouting Leviticus is not wise as a reason for.non-acceptance of gays and lesbians,  To the best of my knowledge, it does not fit with the separation of church and state.

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