Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Bullying is often not the creation of the bully.  Often there is subtle approval and permission given by a parent or parents, the local society, and those who want someone else to do their 'dirty work'.  I've been searching out what is going on about laws or states who seriously express concern about bullying, I found a site that looks interesting.  Click here. The site belongs to the Bully Police USA.  Most of the states are listed, with many having been given a grade rating.  I was interested in seeing that Massachusetts earned an A++ rating.  If that is deserved, I don't wish to imagine how little is being done in other states.  California brought their rating up from a D to a B and the reasons why it came up are listed.

Bullying exists wherever the power structure is unequal and the one with more perceived power can effectively bully...sometimes indistinguishable from blackmail, though often physical or power in other ways to hurt the target, such as firing, doing damage to their reputation, etc..  As prevalent as it may be in Middle School, we should never presume bullying only happens in children and teens.  There are bosses who are bullies, law enforcement personnel in all stations, clergy, politicians, men, women, and anyone who can 'win' over someone else and sports the cruelty to be able to see it through.  Just disagreeing with someone else's opinion causes some bullies to take action.

This makes it a conclusion that those who are biased, opinionated, and unable to believe theirs are not the only acceptable opinions can easily bully to get others to agree.  The abortion doctor, Dr. George Tiller, who was shot a few months ago is certainly a poster boy for this kind of rigidity in the bullying perpetrator.  The murderer believed he was doing something good.  He was incapable of feeling for the life he took nor the family around him and friends who loved and depended on Dr. Tiller. 

As is typical in my first paragraph, the man who shot Dr. Tiller was being urged on by the rhetoric of the anti-abortionists.  Those who advocate violence will watch this kind of bullying and feel virtuous because it was not their finger lifted in the violence.  However, Bill O'Reilly, in my opinion, and those like him should share the responsibility for their actions.  Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and all those who are stirring up violence should be held accountable when it happens.

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