Monday, October 25, 2010


The other day I had an hour to spare so I phoned my local drug superstore and asked if they were giving flu shots.  They were, and like old barber shops, they said no appointment was necessary and the waiting usually wasn't long.  I love it when things come out as they have been described  In less than an hour I had driven there,  showed my health insurance card, filled in the forms, waited a bit as I chatted with people around me, and the most gorgeous creature with a lovely soft voice came and gave me the flu shot, which also contained the H1N1 vaccine.

I remembered a few years back waiting in line, about which I wrote a blog article.  Click here. Like so many things today, the process is now 'new and improved'.  Years ago, I could count on taking a flu shot and developing the flu.  I swore I would never take another and managed not to for about 30 years.  Finally a good doctor let me know that I was in an age group that really should have the shot and they are 'new and improved' today, no longer giving the recipients the flu.  He was right.  I no longer get the flu from them and scarcely am aware that I have had a shot.

The government puts out all sorts of bulletins and I subscribe to lots of things.  The CDC Bulletin is a nice read.  In fact, for those of us who like to stay informed and delude ourselves that it is possible, you can subscribe to government information worth reading at To read about the flu shots from the CDC, click here   And that, children, is how to get shot by the government safely.

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