Thursday, October 7, 2010


Justice Roberts will go down in history books with as much admiration as GW, #43.  To allow foreign governments to donate to our political campaigns and call this free speech is beyond a hundred years with better constitutional scholars than he weighing in on it.  For him to overturn keeping America's ballots an American's right is, to my way of thinking, akin to treason but, alas, I may stand in a minority view.

It is not in the interests of the Democrats who are for the middle class and common man, it is in the interests of those who are trying to control the American economy and bring it further to its knees than it is currently.  Hopefully, Americans, regardless of the money being thrown into the campaigns, will see through this.  However, it is clear that many, especially those in the south where much of what they are allowed to see or hear by the control of their media, is to their disadvantage,   Obama's speech, at the time of this Supreme Court decision, predicted the disastrous results and pointed to the wrongness to our electoral system that it now allows.It is up to the Legislature to make new laws to disallow foreign corporations to donate so heavily, which they seem loathe to want to do.

This will only change if people vote for candidates who care for this country and not their own pet issues of religion, discrimination,  maintaining themselves in office, or are biased but do not actually think of the good of the country and the wishes of the majority, just the richest 2%.

How long will the sabotage of our democracy go on before people who can make themselves heard can offer solutions.  We need to change the amount of money that can be given in campaigns...campaign financing as an issues has been stalled for too long.  We need to ferret out those who say they are for this country but who clearly are not making votes and decisions to back those statements up. If I feel like a lonely voice in the wind, how many other lonely voices will it take before someone hears us?

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