Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The women in the Teaparty and some of the Republican leading lights like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are making a mockery of everything today's woman over 60 fought for all her adult life to achieve.  The older generation of woman fought for more equality, equal pay in the workplace, and the right to some independence.  No longer was she expected by most to be a simple slave to her husband and home but allowed to realize some personal potential.  Boys of that generation thus had mothers who taught them to respect women as partners, not as chattel.  Rape was seen as a violent act and a women (or girl as was often the case) was not expected to bear and deliver an unwanted child from that contact.  Today there are Teapartiers and Republicans who are trying to bring women back to a place prior to this century.

Betsy Reed writes an excellent article about some of the GOP women in the Nation.  In it, she writes:  " A movie just released by the conservative group Citizens United tells this happy tale: Fire From the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman features Michele Bachmann and Ann Coulter, among others."For

For a historical perspective on where women were before the movement and how far they have come today, you might like to take a refresher history, brief course.  Among many other reasons, it grew out of the revolt against Freud's misogynistic view about women.  He accused any woman with an opinion of her own, and the assertiveness to express it, as having Penis Envy. (Women replied with the truth of their feelings, Penis Pity)  They were happy to be the bearers of children.   Being born with male genitalia does not equip one with intelligence, understanding, compassion, or a wish to be equal to woman in a society that had for centuries viewed him as superior.  Most women like to bear their children and raise them, nurture them.  However, the warring and greedy men with no ability to work for the future of all, forced women to work outside the home to survive and made a mess of our country's economy and system..

This brings us to today when science has made it possible to have a child and raise it without benefit of having a man to boss it all.  It is a rare man who can see man's responsibility for that change and usually blames women for thinking they can do without men and ruining the family unit.  They do not consider men who abuse, commit adultery, are inadequate providers for the children they conceive, or even those who commit incest and conceive children their daughters must bear unless abortion is permitted....currently being fought as a right by some of the Teapartier candidates.

It would seem that a vote for a Teapartier is a vote to turn the clock back 100 years or more, yet it is equally surprising that there are people (men and women) out there who are falling for their rhetoric.

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