Friday, November 26, 2010


Wikipedia defines common sense as: "Common sense, based on a strict construction of the term, consists of what people in common would agree on : that which they "sense" as their common natural understanding. Some people (such as the authors of Merriam-Webster Online) use the phrase to refer to beliefs or propositions that — in their opinion — most people would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". Thus "common sense" (in this view) equates to the knowledge and experience which most people already have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have. Another meaning to the phrase is good sense and sound judgment in practical matters."

If common sense, alone, were the answer to our national problems, then anyone raised at their grandmother's knee might qualify to be President of the United States.  However, that is NOT the answer anymore than it would be common sense to guess at the results with an 'educated eye' rather than do good, solid research.  Many are born with great potential but never achieve their full potential because they rely on their native 'common sense' and 'intuition' (translate to guessing odds).  Doctors cannot treat patients using common sense alone.  Inventors cannot invent on common sense alone.  If this were the case, there would be no need for higher education nor for professions to keep au courant with CEUs (Continuing Education Credits) in order to maintain their licenses.  If fact, there wouldn't even have to be licenses if a particular standard of qualification wasn't required to safeguard the population.  Why then do we require less of the most important job in our country, the Presidency?

During my lifetime I have had a great many hobbies.  The most useful lesson they taught me is that the saying, "You don't know a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins' is worth heeding.  For all the things I knit, embroidered, hooked,  soldered, strung, created or lots of other verbs which could be used,  I learned that unless you have been there-done that yourself it is difficult to understand the training and effort that goes into any results.  That Sarah Palin has the colossal arrogance to assume she is ready to be President demonstrates that point completely.

While philosophers, psychologist and many others can discuss  the elements necessary for common sense, society seems to agree that you do well if you have it  A synonym for common sense is good judgment.  While many people have it, there are also many reasons people don't always exercise it.  Substances like drugs and alcohol may steer it off course.  Chemical imbalances such as schizophrenia, bi-polar illness, toxicity, brain washing,l rigid training and deprivation of choices, education, training, modeling also are contributors.  Human psychological  defenses like denial of reality figure prominently with the loss of good judgment as well.

Our leaders on all levels of life have often failed us.  Doesn't that mean we need to rely more on ourselves to learn life's rules?  The Golden Rule is a really good way to start, is it not.  It works well for me and does not come to me through religion.

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