Saturday, November 27, 2010


Science News published an article about the true origins of farmers in Europe 8i000 years ago.  Do you ask why I state it so assuredly?  Because they seem to have proven it through DNA testing.  The article writes:  "A team of international researchers led by ancient DNA experts from the University of Adelaide has resolved the longstanding issue of the origins of the people who introduced farming to Europe some 8000 years ago."   To see the complete article, click here.

This following paragraph illustrates why I find this information so energizing.  "Project leader Professor Alan Cooper, Director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD) at the University of Adelaide, says: "This overturns current thinking, which accepts that the first European farming populations were constructed largely from existing populations of hunter-gatherers, who had either rapidly learned to farm or interbred with the invaders."  I enjoy proof that nothing is explained from the past unless it can be proven.  It is why I have absolutely no respect for people who still think that evolution is just a theory.

It has always confused me to be surrounded by so many people who have no curiosity at all while I have wanted to learn as much as I could cram into my head daily.  Science News is as wonderful site with which you should hook up...and for free you can learn more than you ever imagined is available to you without having to pay exorbitant tuition.  To subscribe, for free, here is the site. Scroll down on your right a few inches to read how to do it.

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