Sunday, December 26, 2010


I'm too satiated by good friends, family, gifts, food and cheer.  There is no better a day than to see my granddaughter expecting her little girl in a couple of months, her parents excited about becoming grandparents for the first time. Add to that a daughter happy with the man in her life, a grandson with a relatively new girlfriend we all like, and the kinship bond between two families when their children wed.  In all, the warmth in this group welcomed friends and, in all, had the wonderful time families are written about but don't often achieve.

It is sad to hear that the rest of the world is not as joyous, and one not cease one's own happiness to commiserate with those less fortunate.  After all, it is time to have warmth after many lean years, isn't it?

People will take some time to resolved their own feelings. For some the glow will go on for several days...for others, it cannot be forgotten soon enough.

May Christmas be what everyone wishes it to be next year.....

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