Saturday, December 25, 2010


Celebrate Christmas in whatever way you wish.  There are those who will attend church services for the sociability and those to feel closer to God.  However, in the United States everyone gets the day off except those in emergency services...and that is not a small number.  Even though our Senate thinks they shouldn't have to work on Christmas, it is not a choice for many who are happy to have any job at all.

Meanwhile, whether you are a Christian, Mormon, Muslim, or 'Heathen', take the day off and enjoy the lights,  frenetic shopping and gift giving ritual which will result in long lines of people returning gifts a few days after Christmas.  Many will be busy tallying how the Holiday effected the economy while others will have had to endure time with relatives they are happy not to see more often that the yearly compulsory visit.  Merchants will restock their shelves for the next Holiday.  I have already seen one store with their Valentine's merchandise on prominent display.

US First Lady Michelle Obama has surprised children by answering their calls to a system that tracks Santa's global gift-delivering progress.  At this writing, he has made it over more than half the globe.  Most people will say, "Christmas is for children" and that is what it has come to be, a stressful time for adults, lying to children, buying what cannot be afforded or paid for until months have elapsed. .Trash collectors will abhor the next week's pick up which will be more than double the usual work, environmentalists will grieve the trees that were cut down and thrown out on the lawn for the town truck to gather.

In all, most of us will breathe a sigh of relief that it is over until next year though not all of us will feel it was an unpleasant having a baby.  After the birth most mothers are convinced they want no more children until their little one in no longer an infant and they begin to get a longing for.another for 'family balance'.  Decorations will go back into storage and whatever was enjoyed will remain a happy memory.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I wouldn't grieve the trees - at least not mine, it was farmed for this purpose-