Friday, January 28, 2011


The appeal by Rahm Emanuel was successful and the higher court agreed he was a Chicago resident even though his job took him to Washington much of the time.  It's nice to see the good guys win against the bad guys once in a while.  I really dislike manipulators with political power try to keep someone out that won't play their brand of ball with them.

Sarah Palin, giving her unasked-for criticism of the State of the Union speech, kept referring to Obama's WTF moment.  The double entendre was tasteless and makes it harder than ever to believe there is still someone put there that thinks she would make a decent President.  I can only be grateful that she didn't win with McCain and have to replace him in office.  For those innocents who don't know the 'other' definition of WTF, click here.

For those who are convinced that the violent rhetoric is not behind attacks such as the one on Gabrielle Giffords,  should listen to the threat on a Chinese-American state Senator's life.
Mark Rosenberg wrote an article on it.  Click here.  Senator Yee is running for mayor of
San Francisco.   If you missed the actual take of Rush being arrogant, click here for the Young Turks discussing it, with the recording of Rush, on You Tube. Senator Lee has started a boycott of Limbaugh's sponsors.  That is what earned him the death threat.

Where are they hiding our leaders?

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