Saturday, January 29, 2011


It would be hypocritical of me to quote the Bible.  I cannot see using what little is left of my life to read it.  However, I do read lots of other things written with references to Biblical quotes. .Today there are religions, cults, and false religions.  Anyone can start a religion, sane or delusional.  I do not believe this is what our Forefathers thought when they wrote of Freedom of Religion.  Some start them on their fetishes, habits, or whatever, like the Rastafarians.  Mormons are considered a cult as are Jehovah's Witnesses.  There are presumed to be 30,000 denominations of Christendom (Awake! Jan 2011) which tells me that anyone who wishes o invent their own version can just pick up their Bible, con a few friends into believing,or following, and you've got a good start

For some thoughts on why there are so many denominations, click here.
From what I have heard and read there is probably a reasonable amount of good advice in the Bible, if you were living in the year 01 A.D.  Then if got a little flaky with people prognosticating.  It also doesn't make good sense that if we have a God (or Creator) that this loving, omniscient and omnipotent being would have anything to do with divisive religions.

Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate, physicist and atheist is quoted as saying, "The world needs to wake up from its long nightmare of religious belief."  There are many books written on the problems of religion and many that try to make religion compatible with reason. 

Floris van den Berg is engaged in research into religion and morality at Utrecht University.  He writes the Humanist: Ideas for Godless People.  He believes in freedom and the right for people to view the offensive.  As the Virtual Museum of Offensive Art opens online, Floris van den Berg ponders the limits of freedom  " Why should there be a museum to exhibit art that some people find offensive, disturbing, shocking, insulting, vile, distasteful, pornographic, blasphemous or ugly? Before answering that question, we should note that such a museum already exists – the Virtual Museum of Offensive Art – with free access for all (that is to say, if the internet has not been censored)." 

In all, for those of us who want some reason, logic and proof in order to believe, These toxic versions of the Bible that bear no resemblance to descriptions of who Christ was supposed to be and how he lived his life, do not fit the criteria for belief by anything thing other than blind faith.  In today's scientific world where so much has been discovered and proved that did not exist when the Bible was written, the count of Atheists seems to be rising exponentially.  They seem to live lives that are no different in terms of all the qualities that are important to humans as much as religious observers.  English is a strange language, the only difference between 'a theist' who is a believer and and 'atheist' is a space between the a and t.  It's all in what you call it, I guess.


1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

From my reading of the Federalist papers, our forefathers would support the right of anyone to start their own religion. Thomas Paine, for example, was religious but objected to organized religion. The ideal scenario from Paine's perspective would be if everyone established their own individual religion, a sect of one.

Our forefathers had diverse religious beliefs, but they agreed that a state enforced religion is a terrible idea. Frankly, I'd prefer having 30,000 denominations to having 1 denomination produced by force.