Sunday, March 27, 2011


Scientists are not Chicken Little
We have been 'dumbing' down for a number of years.  A few years back 'intelligentsia' became a dirty word.  Since I was recently accused of being on the brink of starting a conspiracy theory when I quoted Osama bin Laden as having said he was going to break the US economy and, "since it is broken, did he have a hand in it? " I have tried to just deal with 'just the facts' for all the Officer Friday.s that might chance upon my blog.

While the Senators don't believe in evolution, global warming  or education, I fail to understand how they got to be Senators.  Did we ever fix the rigged voting computers?  How can a country with so many Nobel prize winners draw so little respect for the innovators of our society.  There is so little respect for legislators, that few intelligent people want to run for a job with the corruption and stupidity attached to it.

Our whole federal system of elected officials seems to have gone weird.  When Le Page, governor of Maine, insists on removing a mural of workers from the Labor Department walls I have to wonder if we have somehow attached to a parallel universe.. If I were someone who did drugs, I would wonder if I had O.D.'d.  Looking at people holding public office and getting to speak on TV 'news' feels as though I am seeing them through amusement park mirrors.  Seeing so many men covering their baldness with a little hair on the top of their forehead makes me wonder who sets the TV rules.  Personally, I would rather listen to an watch a bald man who makes sense rather than one who is so vain he fails to see he is as successful as someone trying to hide behind their finger.

For the entire Robert Benson article of the GOP Senators who mock the veracity of scientific conclusions and research internationally, click here.l

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