Friday, March 25, 2011


Horrors, I've just listened to a new generation arguing against abortion with all the same arguments that were shot down when Roe vs Wade was passed.  Someone quoted 'some' research that showed that 96% of abortions are for vanity!  I suppose they don't believe the Holocaust happened and that Obama isn't a US citizen..  Will they ever be exposed to the real facts of life?

Right now, it isn't people just disagreeing and offering a good debate on any subject.  Too many are as paranoid as McCarthy and as ignorant of the world and most hermits.  The rest have been brainwashed by a variety of convincing snake oil salespeople.

If only people could accept the fact that a fetus is a 'seed' of life only and not yet a person it would be more accurate.  But those who are still stuck in B.C. thinking, refusing to accept neurological fact, will preach to others while proclaiming the government should get smaller and stay out of people's lives.

Meanwhile, we seem to be headed towards an oligarchy, if the Koch brothers get their way.  I will grieve for democracy for the few remaining years of my life and hope that my needs will not exceed my income as food and all product costs double or triple.  Marketers play on,  Even toilet paper rolls are now narrower, but contain more sheets.  I'm sure someone used a calculator to squeeze a bit more profit out of each sheet offering the illusion of more sheets. .

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Don't worry, the existence of one group of young people critical of abortion does not mean that Roe v. Wade is in danger. If I had a dime for every time in the 1970's when I heard some young leftists talk about what the country would be like after the revolution, I could afford a current college tuition. All this group of young people proved was that one side of the debate has not gone away completely. It does not prove that pro-life sentiments are making a comeback.

In fact, a lot of the red meat social conservative issues are losing traction. While researching one of my blog posts, I remember reading that a wide majority of the members of campus "Young Republicans" clubs favored gay marriage. We are quite likely the last generation for which homosexuality is a political issue.