Thursday, March 10, 2011


Both Gaddafi and I have two things in common.  We are alive and sentient and believe that Bin Laden is more powerful that the world has credited him.  I keep recalling his last threat; that he would destroy the US economy.  I fantasy that he has succeeded in doing so through paying off the greedy and getting a movement going with the Ultra Conservative right to privatize everything, make the poor even poorer, so that the fat cats can live off the rest of the world and enslave the poor.

Daniel Eran Dilger writes: "In November 2004, CNN reported that Bin Laden released a video monologue to Al-Jazeera where the terror-savvy, extreme fundamentalist announced plans to continue a “policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy” using similar tactics to those used when fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 80s, “guerrilla warfare and the war of attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers.”

CNN released a tape from Al Jazeera which stated: that Bin Laden planned to bring the USA to bankruptcy.  Dilger wrote:  "Bin Laden bragged at the time that al Qaeda has found it “easy for us to provoke and bait this administration. All that we have to do is to send two mujahedeen to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al Qaeda, in order to make generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic and political losses without their achieving anything of note other than some benefits for their private corporations.” ".

" Bin Laden said of President Bush that “the darkness of black gold blurred his vision and insight, and he gave priority to private interests over the public interests of America.”

 My voice is not very loud but I have raised it as loudly as I can.  To date, I have not found anyone in a position of power who has listened.  Bin Laden has appealed both to American stupidity and greed and was winning until a puppet of the plan pushed the people of Wisconsin too far.  A rebellion was started that is possibly going to make people in the Obama administration listen, at last.  It seems only people power will prevail in this fight.


Frank J. Lhota said...

Do we really need another Bin Laden conspiracy theory? You correctly identify the theory that Bin Laden intends to destroy the U.S. economy by bribing "fat cats" to support privatization as a fantasy. This theory is a flight of fancy for at least three reasons:

1) Bribing any sizable number of ultra-rich Americans would take far more financial resources than Bin Laden has.

2) Why would the greedy ever buy into a plan to wreck the economy when doing so would decimate their own wealth?

3) What evidence is there that privatization causes poverty? Both the UK and France privatized their telecommunications without increasing the ranks of their poor.

The very serious charge of aiding a terrorist is his effort to destroy this country should not be made without solid evidence. Now what evidence is there that Gov. Walker is a "puppet of the plan"? Given that the plan is a fantasy, the evidence is clearly lacking.

Yes, Bin Laden did say that he would destroy the U.S. economy, but he never said a word about privatization. He bragged that he would take down the U.S. the same way that he took down the Soviet Union, by dragging them into an endless war. Now I really don't think that any major American politician is helping Bin Laden, but if you were to suspect anyone of this crime, why not suspect the one politician who is keeping us in Afghanistan: President Obama?

Yiayia said...

That bin Laden has a goal of destroying the US economy is not a theory...he is on record as saying just that.