Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Madison, Wisconsin: for well over twenty days, citizens have kept their non-violent march on.  Rather than fewer, more people are coming out and Scott Walker, 'gov' that is, is getting less and less popular.  His ratings have apparently really tumbled.

It is a wonderful testimonial to what little is left of our democracy that there has been a minimum of violence though Walker in his 'phone call with David Koch' let it be known he had considered peppering the marchers with troublemakers.  While I have little respect for Governor Walker's actions, it is commendable that he chickened out and decided not to do that.

WASHINGTON — "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal by the University of Wisconsin at Madison of a federal appeals court ruling that could require many public colleges and universities to permit the use of student fee money to pay for explicitly religious activities, including those involving prayer.   A coalition of higher education groups backed Madison in the case and urged the Supreme Court to take the case, arguing without success that the lower court's decision intruded on reasonable university rules designed to protect the separation of church and state. By rejecting the appeal, the Supreme Court does not endorse the lower court's ruling, but ensures that it remains in effect in the states covered by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit — Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin."  Click here for entire article

When will the religious right learn they do not control the country and stop flaunting their hypocrisy about following the Constitution while ignoring separation of church and state?

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