Saturday, April 9, 2011


It is inconceivable to me that a group of people got elected to represent the people and clearly went to Washington with the explicit view of representing their own religiously founded views against women's right to their own bodies.  What is more horrifying, is that really don't see women as only baby-making machines but do not even want to protect them against cancer, HIV, STDs, as well as conception by not allowing them birth control.  How far have these Neanderthals turned back our clocks?

It amuses me that these are the same people who decry sharia law.  Do they honestly think they treat women better than the Taliban?  What was the first thing they did on arrival to the House?  Rather than think about how to help our working poor who are losing jobs, unable to find new ones, they figured out how to attempt blackmail  by refusing to vote favorably on bills that made sense unless their multiple sadistic attachments were also accepted.  Are these the people we want in our government?

Maybe someday, those who feel powerless and vote to 'make statements' will learn their statements are simply destructive when more incompetent people go to Washington.


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