Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is what would, in WW II have been called being an hour late and a dollar short in meeting the needs of the buyers who were being ignored because there were still a few, with money, who wanted the hugs fancy gas guzzlers.  Apparently, Detroit has finally figured out that there are more poor people than rich people and they also need cars.  So now, shockingly, Detroit has seen the light and is being saved.   

Detroit blames the buyers  as not wanting smaller cars.  That must be why they turned to buying foreign cars, huh?  I regret that the powers in Detroit still cannot accept their own responsibility their failure to see where markets were going when they left American cars.

Korea fell in production because of the tsunami and the supply chain woes in Japan. They have an unacceptable to our way of life way of dealing with worker's strikes.  Perhaps cott Walker wants to emulate them to which we have said, "Not in MY back yard!"

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