Monday, May 30, 2011


Memorial Day is really a tribute to all who have lived.  However, we remember those people we knew personally, as well.

Since I do not believe in an afterlife, I avoid cemeteries at all times. i do not believe anyone I ever knew is there in the ground.  Without doubt, this is not a universal view and people who claim to be Christians have criticized me and told me I am ungrateful to God for all he has done for me.  Humbly, I suggest that whatever criticism God may have should related to me by him/them/it or whatever being that must be a higher power than man and who may exert some influence over our lives, secretly.

Nevertheless, Memorial Day, to me, represents a tribute to those and their loved ones who have given their lives in our wars and other conflicts.  I grieve in empathy for the heartless way man goes to war.   I grieve for the families who are not deceived by political nonsense to attempt to rationalize those losses.

Think of our flag and wonder who is trying to take it over at present with no consideration to the cost to those who are and were citizens and need more from America than those selfish ones who aim to turn our country into  a two class system, rich or poverty stricken, and have unfortunately come too close to success.

May we recover the words of the common man as counting something, especially at elections of those who would/should represent them in Washington but, alas, that seems to be a lost concept  by many once they are sworn in.

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