Monday, May 16, 2011


The oversimplification is that one partner calls more shots than the other.  Senator John  Ensign will serve as a poster boy for the definition as to why they don't usually work.  In fact, he is also the poster boy for infidelity, and hypocrisy., two additional concepts which will not be discussed further in this blog.

Ex-Senator John Ensign
The reason one would describe Senator Ensign as being in an uneven extra-marital relationship ( married with three children) is because the woman involved felt she had no choice to do as he insisted because both she and her husband worked for him and would be without funds if he fired them  (as they eventually were) when he let them when truth 'hit the fan'.

The unevenness mostly exists in one having more power than the other; this may be by more money, being the employer, a professor in charge of pass or failure, a therapist using the patient's vulnerabilities to be seduced,  Incest is another sadistic example.  Is the child really in a position to say 'No'?  The sexual molestation by priests is yet another.  A couple of generations ago, priests often got Nuns pregnant.  As more gay men joined the church as a place to hide safely, altar boys became targets.  A pimp and his hookers, yet another.  They can be found everywhere.  Physically abused spouses are in the same category..  When one partner fears another, it instantly becomes uneven. One just needs to understand the concept and dynamics. 

Oddly, I found little on Google written about them.currently  Hopefully it is because 'Big Brother' is watching.

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